Registered Charity No 1073900

National Campaign For Firework Safety - Front Page Firework Injury Statistics Press Releases Firework Safety Articles

6 October 2006

New Firework Season Begins

With the Firework Season starting next week we will be recruiting more members and supporters. We are keeping the joining fee at £10 with concessions for pensioners and the unwaged.

As usual this season we will be asking our supporters to keep an eye on the firework situation in their own areas, and monitor any action by the Police and other Authorities. There have been too many reports where laws and regulations are not being enforced which makes them null and void. Make sure that you keep contact with the campaign headquarters at 118 Long Acre, LONDON WC2. Our telephone is 020 7836 6703. We don't want any more people, children or animals attacked with fireworks. or their lives made unbearable with firework Noise going on day and night for weeks on end. Some people are able to escape from it by going away but the majority have to put up with this bombardment, as it is described to us. Don't forget to send all articles and other newspaper cuttings to us and above all keep in touch. We are the main Firework Campaign in the UK.


National Campaign For Firework Safety
Press Release Issued By: Noel Tobin