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National Campaign For Firework Safety - Front Page Firework Injury Statistics Press Releases Firework Safety Articles

27 September 2006

Firework Abuses Remain In Place

The firework injury statistics for 2005, those who went to hospital, were 990 a small decrease on the previous year 1160 and the first reduction for 3 years. Nevertheless all the ingredients for the abuse and misuse of fireworks remain in place. Family or private parties had the largest amount of injuries 475, with large public displays at only 121 and street incidents always a problem at 247 injuries.

Rockets as usual were the favourite firework. The fireworks with the most problems were not mentioned 443, and this is possible that they were shells for big displays which can blow up not just a person but a building (photo included) The people requiring further treatment amounted to 531, not 333 as the DTI claim. This is a majority who went to hospital. 531 injuries, were to people in their teens. 281 of that number were children.

Males were the largest group injured with 682 injuries, females 308.

Although the small decrease in injuries for last year are to be welcomed they show that the same problems of abuse and misuse of fireworks remain in place. Children under 13 had the largest number of injuries followed on by teenagers. They took place in the same areas as they have always done, family parties, street injuries, public and private Displays.

After many years and huge public protest the Government brought in some legislation to deal with the abuse of firework in 2004. It has hardly made any difference at all because they would not attack the areas and the root cause of the problem, namely adults being able to get hold of large display fireworks, eg Rockets and Shells for their own use, children being able to get hold of any category 2, or 3 fireworks.

In recent years even the DTI have been moved to act against the use of alcohol at private firework parties. Despite the warnings, posters and TV films, this has been largely ignored and so injuries continue. This is another factor that has led to calls for a ban on private firework parties.

NCFS was the first organisation back in the 1970s to propose a ban on retail sales and fight for organised firework displays. Our call was taken up by the Local Authorities who ensured that organised firework displays were put on every year. We were also the first organisation to ask for a national training scheme for firework display organisers. This has taken some time but most of the better firework companies now ensure that their organisers receive proper training. Those who don’t should be blacklisted because they are putting the lives of the public at risk.

Whilst we welcome this improvement at organised displays the phasing out of private firework parties should have been then next step. We have now asked for display fireworks in the higher categories to be fully licensed with more controls on imported fireworks. At present people can import their own fireworks under a range of different names.

Companies too need to be fully experienced with more expert display organisers. Since the Millennium a number of 'cowboy companies' are now operating. It is up to the legitimate industry to name them and drive them out of business. Tons of fireworks are imported every year and are often hidden in garages, the back of shops, houses, as well as warehouses.

Noise is a major factor in the use of fireworks of all types. Every year people of all ages are plagued by a huge increase in the noise of fireworks, which can sound like bombardment. This effects animals as well as people who are traumatised. We have asked Local Authorities to restrict the number of firework displays they allow in the same areas on any given day.

We have asked Governments year on year to introduce a number of basic proposals which would wipe out the bulk of firework injuries. They include the licensing of all firework imports, and firework displays in category 4. In category 4 fireworks would not be available for private use. Eg fireworks requiring a safety zone of 25 metres.


With the de-regulation of the Firework Industry under the Thatcher Government and continued by Governments ever since, there has been a greater use of high grade explosives (Fireworks) for personal use. There has been in recent years an increase in

Explosions where phone boxes and cars have been blown up, and buildings set alight.

Some fireworks notable Rockets can be up to 4ft high and weigh 10kg. These fireworks are used every year. Any complaints to the DTI and they tell people to go to the Local Trading Standards Officers. Any complaints by us to the firework industry which imports most fireworks from China, and we are told that high grade fireworks are only used by the professionals.

Three years ago we produced a report on the Sale of 361 Fireworks on the Internet, some for as little as £6. Some fireworks boast of 37 shots not for the very young. Another spitting flames of fury 2X shots the biggest meanest loudest bangs. Another Nuclear Holocaust, Awakening for the Dead, guaranteed to upset your neighbours. Powerful battery of air bombs.


Some people say that it is now too late to put the genie back into the bottle, but there is a way of putting fireworks into the hands of professionals only by licensing all high category fireworks and forbid their sale for professional use.

  1. To create a Fireworks Training Scheme for professional display operators of which there are now very few due to the great increase in firework companied who set up in the past 6 years who are just traders and importers.
  2. To license fireworks in the higher categories for all sales either direct from companies or specialist shops particularly fireworks were there is a 25 metre zone, half the size of a football pitch. These fireworks are dangerous and should not beused in gardens. At present they are often used with mortars to boost the flight of Rockets.
  3. To license all firework imports from China or through the back door from another country.
  4. For Borough Councils to limit the number of daily firework displays in their areas. Because of the effects of noise on animals, birds, people. To encourage display entrepreneurs to use less high grade fireworks and mortars except in the largest firework displays.
  5. To get rid from retail all fireworks that cause nasty burns and make loud noises in category 2 because of child injuries.

The NCFS is the leading firework safety organisation in the UK today. And is represented by families and individuals in every area of the UK. It was started in November 1969, and has worked with Government, MPs Councillors and other safety organsations since then.


Noel Tobin is a leading campaigner on many issues and has been Director of NCFS since November 1969.

National Campaign For Firework Safety
Article Written By: Noel Tobin